Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Get a Nintendo Circle Pad Pro for Less Than $30

The Circle Pad Pro is a cool accessory that adds an extra circular pad and three additional shoulder buttons to the Nintendo 3DS handheld. The additional circle pad and shoulder buttons allow for additional gameplay options and enhanced controls. Many new and popular Nintendo 3DS games support the Circle Pad Pro, including Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Resident Evil Revelations. There’s one problem, though. The Circle Pad Pro is very hard to find.

The item is currently unavailable at GameStop’s website and Nintendo’s online shop doesn’t have it in stock, either. However, eBay seller icyberstore has the Japanese Circle Pad Pro for only 13.31 GBP, which is roughly $21. The Circle Pad Pro accessory is region-free, so it will work with your US Nintendo 3DS console.

If you want a Circle Pad Pro, don’t wait. Who knows when they’ll be back in stock. Even then, there’s no guarantee you’ll get your hands on one.

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