Monday, July 30, 2012

Air Zonk: A Wacky and Fun TurboGrafx-16 Shooter

Air Zonk is a different kind of shooter; it doesn’t take itself seriously. Instead of piloting a super-powerful gunship, you pilot Zonk, a robotic version of Bonk the Caveman. Zonk looks every bit the badass hero with his bald head, lightning bolt, and cool shades. Of course, like any good shooter, Air Zonk features swarms of enemies and humungous bosses for you to destroy. Luckily for you, Zonk has lots of firepower at his disposal. He has a standard shot, a charged shot, and a number of unusual, yet deadly power-ups, including boxing gloves, lightning bolts, and playing cards. Zonk can also enlist the aid of a friend who provides support fire.

Much like the Bonk series of games, Air Zonk features colorful, cartoony graphics and a number of outlandish levels and enemies. You’ll shoot at flowers, stone dinosaurs, and flying heaps of trash. It’s crazy. As you can imagine, the wacky power-ups and diverse set of enemies make for a really fun and interesting game. Unfortunately, Zonk’s friends and the readily available power-ups make the game relatively easy. If you’re looking for a challenge, you’ll have to look elsewhere. However, if you’re a fan of the Bonk games, or shooters in general, then you’ll find lots to love about Air Zonk. It’s got loads of variety and charm. It’s also strangely relaxing, which is something you can’t say about many modern video games.

Experience all of the weird and wacky goodness for yourself. Head on over to eBay and buy a copy of Air Zonk today.

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